Silver FAQ’s

Silver FAQ’s

Even in the earliest of civilizations, the value of silver has been recognized and after gold, silver is the second most valuable type of metal. In addition to being a metal that represents wealth, silver is also a very versatile metal that can be used in a variety of ways. 
Silver is one of the oldest types of metals and has been around as long as 2000 B.C.E, when the metal was first known to be mined. There is only a small amount of silver that comprises the Earth’s crust and although there are pure deposits of silver, it is usually combined with other elements.

Even before currency was used, pieces of silver and gold were utilized for trading purposes by the Ancient Egyptians. The Ancient Egyptians actually valued silver more than gold since pure gold was more easily found in nature. The Egyptians did not have the tools necessary to extract the silver from its ores.

Since the time of the Phoenicians, silver has been known to help with purifying water. In order to preserve drinks on long voyages, the Phoenicians carried beverages in vessels that were lined with silver. NASA has also recognized the advantage of using silver to keep water pure and they utilize it to keep water pure on space shuttles. 
In 1792, the first silver coin was minted in the United States. As the price of silver increased during the twentieth century, the amount of silver that was used in coins decreased. In 1965, silver was completely eradicated from currency in the U.S. Mexico still uses silver coins as part of their currency though and there are also other countries who use it to make commemorative coins. 

Silver compounds are also used for x-rays. When you have an x-ray, the rays are able to pass through your skin, but do not penetrate your bones. When developed, the image of an x-ray is a negative picture. The silver compound is part of the dark areas on the image and the light areas are the bones. 

Another medical usage for silver is that for thousands of years, silver has been used to prevent infection. In 1884, German physician, F. Crede, made a solution of silver nitrate and he used this as an eye drop for newborn babies. This solution almost completely eliminated blindness in babies. This treatment was used up until the 1940s when antibiotics were created. 

Silver, along with its compounds, also have very strong germ-killing properties. Along with having antibacterial properties, one silver compound is able to aid with regenerating burned tissue. There are also some doctors who believe that silver might have an impact on preventing cancer. 
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